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Año de edición2018
SinopsisBig English American 2nd Edition
By Mario Herrera and Christopher Sol Cruz
Designed for achieving results, Big English 2nd Edition (American English) delivers comprehensive English language acquisition alongside CLIL and broader life skills, supported by unique online digital teacher and student resources.The 2nd Edition features improved digital tools, clearer designs for students and mapping to the Global Scale of English.

Enhancements to the 3 educational pillars at the core of Big English.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

New CLIL pages in the Student Book, containing up-to- date material to better engage learners by reflecting their interests.
New Big TV as a innovative way to digitally deliver CLIL to students. It consists of 52 videos that use content from different news outlets, to match the themes of the Student Book Content Connections pages. It also features a printed video workbook and a bank of teacher notes.
In-built Assessment for Learning (AfL)
There are opportunities to review progress at every stage with inbuilt Assessment forLearning (AfL) in the Student Book and Teacher Book.
The assessment pack includes Cambridge Young Learner assessment type activities, plus pre-tests, practice tests, unit tests, final exams and materials for oral assessment.
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills, embedded throughout the course, help students develop essential skills for life, such as Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Digital Literacy.
21st Century Skills are signposted sections in the teaching notes. There is also a Think Big feature that appears 3-5 times each unit.
How has Big English just got Bigger?
New digital tools for teachers and students

New front-of-class Digital Teacher Presentation Tool to help teachers plan more easily and get the most out of all course components.
New Teacher online portal to support effective lesson planning, giving direct access to additional worksheets, audio and video files and interactive game resources.
New Student online portal to extend learning beyond the classroom, enabling students to complete homework and monitor progress.
New extra-clear design helps students focus on learning

New design helps students more easily focus on the content and activities within the course.
Lesson Flow feature helps teachers plan more easily and get the most out of all course components, providing a seamless link between print and digital components of the course.
Clearly signposts videos and online activities to support effective lesson delivery and learning.
Mapped to the Global Scale of English (GSE)

Aligned to the CEFR, Pearson's GSE offers extra precision in measuring a student's understanding and capability in their English language studies.
GSE reading, listening, speaking, and writing objectives are at the start of every unit. The GSE assessment criteria has also been used to develop the teacher assessment pack.
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